Three Dogs

Let's take a short break from the Belize posts for a cute puppy post! The week before I went on holiday, I wanted to have a puppy playdate for GM. Princess, who I dogsat previously, came over for another 1-week stay. My sister invited her boyfriend's dog, Stan. And I proceeded to go photo crazy. Enjoy. Or don't.
{We started by going for a walk.}

{And then we came back to the yard to hang out in the shade.}
{This is GM looking cute and happy!}
{And here's Stanley looking cute and happy!}
{Here, Stan looks like he's mad or yelling but really, I caught him in the middle of a yawn.}
{This is one of my favorite shots of Princess. I was rubbing her belly and she looks like she's laughing.}
{And here's Princess trying to play with Stan, who looks a little apprehensive.}
{George Michael!}
{Three dogs, just hangin' out.}
And I'll leave you with a photo of Professor GM, looking nice and smart in his glasses.
I'll be back to Belize posts on Monday. I still have to share snorkeling photos, Maya ruins, and a video.

